"The Roots to grow, the Path to follow and the Wings to fly"
Everything we do at The Pathfinder Primary School is through our values. It is how we celebrate achievements and successes and how we manage the trickier times. By using these values it enables us to be fair and consistent to all those within our care.
We believe that these values enable the children we teach and encourage to become the resilient young people we all hope for in the future.
Not many years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, the apostle Paul wrote these to the early church in Colossae as he encouraged them to grow as a new Christian community: words still relevant to our growing Church School community in our new town today:
As a brand new community, we root ourselves in the historic expression of Christian faith in God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit as taught by our Church of England foundation. This is contained in the ancient creeds of the church (also shared between the various denominations of members of our school community), in particular, the Nicene Creed and the Apostles Creed; is expressed through familiar liturgical practices (including the colours of the church year; some familiar forms of prayer e.g. “the Lord is here” responses and the Lord’s Prayer. These features are particularly apparent during our daily Collective Worship and celebration of festivals, but the ethos impacts the whole school.
As a school family, we are strengthened by recognising that we are connected to something bigger. The Christian tradition teaches us that our stories are part of a bigger story: the story of God’s interaction with the world. This big story is told in the Bible – the library of books Christians recognise as Holy Scripture. We are also connected and rooted with local churches and school, churches and schools in our diocese and trust and the world wide church. These connections are evident in our cross-curriculum links, Collective Worship, RE curriculum (particularly as we explore the big story of the bible) and visits (e.g. to Ely Cathedral). Additionally, the behaviour of all in our school family as we demonstrate to each other our values of respect, optimism, trust, wonder, nurture and generosity, is evidence of our understanding that we are all rooted together.
We celebrate the stories of the people and places that are shaping us: our school may be in a new town but that does not mean we have no history. Our lives today, individually and collectively, matter. Celebration and thankfulness help us grow together. We celebrate and give thanks for each other regularly in our class assemblies, weekly celebration assemblies and a culture of praise and celebration for all adults and children. Our interactions with others outside of our school, through working with other DEMAT schools or in sports competitions, help us to demonstrate our values more widely.
Christians believe that in Jesus, God has walked this earth before us, and that with Jesus as companion and guide they can travel through life differently.
This impacts our life as a school by encouraging children and adults to persevere, to overcome challenges and to look for opportunities to ask the big questions of faith and spirituality at all times, not just within Collective Worship.
With God shaping lives, Christians believe that He will use them to make a difference in the world: to bless those around us and help stand up for justice. Of course, people make mistakes and fail along the way, but He will give them strength, hope and courage to keep going.
We are inspired by the words of an ancient prophecy, in scriptures shared by Jews and Christians:
This attitude is seen in how we encourage children and adults to go ‘above and beyond’. We encourage engagement with spirituality and faith as an integral part of growing in strength and wisdom, not an optional extra.
We try to live out this all-embracing vision at Pathfinder C of E Primary School, paying close attention not only to the academic development of children, but to their emotional, physical and spiritual development as well.
At Pathfinder we are proud of our Christian ethos and like to think of it as the roots, path and wings that will support our children throughout their lives. We celebrate the education of all children from all religious and non religious beliefs and invite children to engage with as much as they feel comfortable with, whilst respecting the beliefs and wishes of those who may have different responses.
Collective Worship occurs daily and we invite children to respect the Christian basis of the worship. Children are invited to participate, but there is no expectation for them to do so. We do, however, have the expectation that all children will sit and listen respectfully. Parents reserve the right to remove their children from Collective Worship for religious reasons.
Children are invited to say prayers at several times during the day, namely during Collective Worship, at lunch time and our School Prayer at the end of the day. See our Collective Worship Policy.
All pupils at DEMAT schools are strongly encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance. At Pathfinder C of E School, we ensure that pupils understand that whilst different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law. Our school’s ethos and teaching supports the rule of English civil and criminal law and we do not teach anything that undermines it. When we teach about religious law, we explore the relationship between state and religious law, and ensure that pupils understand the difference between the law of the land and religious law.
We promote fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. As a community, we actively challenge opinions of behaviours in school that are contrary to fundamental British values. We use the National Teachers’ standards and the Headteacher Standards (2017) in our appraisal of teachers and headteachers. We expect all staff to uphold public trust in the profession and maintain high ethics and behaviour within, and outside of, school. This includes not undermining fundamental British values.
We believe in the dignity of all people, and their right to respect and equality of opportunity. We value the strength that comes with difference, and the positive contribution that diversity brings to our community.
The Pathfinder Primary School
Tel: 01954 584801
Email: office@pathfinderschool.org.uk
Primary Office Contact Person:
Mrs Santos, Office Manager
E-mail: office@pathfinderschool.org.uk
School Address:
Pathfinder Northstowe
Pathfinder Way
CB24 1AA
DEMAT Office Address:
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